Computer Genertaion

Course- computer history >

Vacuum tubes and magnetic drum----------------- First Generation (1940-1956)

The UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation computing devices. The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer delivered to a business client, the U.S. Census Bureau in 1951.

Notes: The first computer, ENIAC, was developed by Army Ordnance to compute World War II ballistic firing tables. It weighed 30 tons and used 200 kilowatts of electric power.

ENIAC, an acronym for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

D. Transistors-------------------Second Generation (1956-1963)

B. Integrated circuits --------- Third Generation (1964-1971)

C. Microprocessors ------------ Fourth Generation (1971-Present(1980))

  1. Artificial Inteligent------------------ Fifth generation(1980-present)